Who is right(eous)?
Have you ever heard someone say something like: “It’s not right for me, but who am I to judge?” Or, “What may be right for me, may not...

When they see me, do they see you?
The first time Moses encounters God is in Exodus 3 when God famously appears to him in the form of a burning bush. As Moses nears the...

Are you battle ready?
Plenty of things going on in our world these days, can leave us feeling shaken; but as Believers, we will not be shaken! Why? Because...

The Lord who heals
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed in life? Do you ever get anxious and worried? How about right now?! These days, who isn’t at...

How does God shepherd us?
What would be on your “Mt. Rushmore” of scripture passages? It might be tough to narrow to just four because there are so many amazing...

God is our Peace
Have you watched the news lately? This is likely the most divisive season in our lifetime. People are ardently divided over many...

The Lord will provide
Have you noticed how hard life is sometimes? There’s nothing like a pandemic to really throw a wrench in our lives. But the truth is,...

God's Power & Might
Have you ever paused to consider how mighty and powerful God is? In fact, there is a name that is used in the Bible that describes God’s...

What is God’s name? Most people would say, “Well, it’s just ‘God’ right?” That is true, but there is a little more to His name…...