Keep that Fire Burning!
Winter has finally arrived! It’s getting really cold this week. When I was growing up, we heated our house with wood, so when it started...

Give Thanks!
If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably getting ready for a big Thanksgiving feast about now. I am! Maybe you aren’t feeling...

Obey the Lord
It’s one thing to offer God a passionate prayer of confession, like we see in Nehemiah 9, but quite another to live an obedient life...

Worship the Lord!
I love college football; and admittedly, I probably spend way too much time watching it. But I really enjoy the passion, excitement and...

Celebrate God's Word!
When Nehemiah and the Israelites finished the work on the protective wall around Jerusalem in a remarkable 52 days, two immediate tasks...

Manage Opposition
Have you noticed that it’s not easy to live in a way that honors God in this world? There are plenty of obstacles and roadblocks. In...

Battle Selfishness
One of the most destructive elements in any relationship is selfishness. Warren Wiersbe writes that one of the Enemy’s favorite weapons...

Work the Plan!
You’ve probably heard this famous quote from Ben Franklin, paraphrased slightly: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” No doubt,...

Accomplishing a Great Task
Do you have any great tasks to accomplish in life? All of us have great tasks before us; whether it’s the great task of parenting or...

Resolute: Pray First
Have you ever felt deep compassion for something or someone? How about such deep concern that you felt compelled to act, to actually do...