Persevering Through Prayer
Has there been a time in your life when you’ve just wanted to throw in the towel, throw up your hands and give up? We’ve all been there...

Praying with Purpose
Do you have any fire extinguishers in your house? If so, when is the last time you checked to see if they were still charged and ready to...

Being Rich Toward God (Cure for Greed)
Our guest speaker this past Sunday, Watermark’s own Stephen Carlson, posed an important question for us to consider: Am I rich toward God...

Loving My Neighbor
What is the defining characteristic of a Christ-follower? I’ve said many times that “love” is the defining, characteristic of a committed...

God's Heart: What God Aches For and Rejoices Over
What do you know about God; about Who God is? How would you describe Him? To truly know God, you have to know His heart, that is, what...

Thriving in a Field of Weeds, A Parable
What do you think is most frustrating for gardeners? It could be plant-destroying insects, or maybe too little rain, or possibly varmints...