"Win" in life
What an epic finish for Super Bowl LI! The game had been a snoozer until after the 3rd quarter.... I almost gave up on it and went to...

Be great - serve!
We have heard a lot about being "great" lately haven't we? I think we all like the idea of greatness; who wouldn't? We want to be great...

The importance of community
As I get older, I am painfully aware of the fact that I am not physically able to do the things I could do ten years ago. After I finish...

Battling discouragement
Do you view yourself as a courageous person? I think most of us want to think of ourselves that way, but yet there is so much in this...

Great expectations
Artist's rendering of Watermark's new home, currently under construction. Nine years ago this week Watermark Church launched as we began...

Experience a revolution!
So we are four days into the new year; how are those new year's resolutions holding up? Don't give up! We can, and should, have great...