Forgive Us Our Debts
There are lots of pretty unwholesome, four letter words that we generally try to steer clear of in life, but there is one four letter...
How God Meets Our Daily Needs
In the middle of Jesus’ model prayer, which we refer to as The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray “Give us today our daily bread”....
Seek God's Kingdom and His Will
“Stop Thief!” You would think that shameful phrase would elicit some response from a thief, at the very least causing them to run away. ...
Draw Near to God
The Lord’s Prayer is remarkably simple in its brevity, but extraordinarily powerful in it’s content, from the very beginning. After...
Praying the Way Jesus Taught
Is it possible to pray badly or poorly? While God doesn't “grade” our prayers, it is possible to pray in a way that Jesus would denounce....
Praying with Purpose
What is the purpose of prayer? Why are people drawn, compelled, inspired to pray and what does that look like in our lives? It’s...
Knowing God’s Voice
Is listening an integral part of your prayer life? Let’s be honest, most of us are really good at listing a litany of needs or desires,...
What’s the Point of Christmas?
Only 3 shopping days left ’til Christmas! Ready or not, here it comes! I love Christmas for so many reasons, not the least of which is...
Did the Virgin Birth Really Happen?
Some might say “to utter the phrase ‘virgin birth’ is an oxymoron”. And some might go so far as to say that “only a moron would believe...
Can the Gospels Be Trusted?
When I was a youth pastor, I played a game with the teens we called “Gossip”. Maybe you’ve played it before; it has different names. ...