I Crave Mercy
What do you know about mercy? I’ve heard mercy defined as “not getting, or not giving, what is deserved.” Chances are pretty good that...

I Long to be Like Christ
If you’re planting a garden, or even just a few tomato plants, it’s definitely time to get those plants in the ground! If you get them...

Giving Up Control
Chances are you don’t pay a lot of attention to horse racing; truthfully who among us really does? But this year’s Kentucky Derby, held...

When Mourning Brings Blessing
When you think of mourning, does the idea of blessing come to mind? Probably not, after all, no one is clamoring to mourn; yet, Jesus...

The Pursuit of Happiness
What would it take for you to be happy? Jesus actually taught about how to pursue happiness or the blessed life in what we call the...

Celebrating New Life!
I love this time of year! The seasonal changes are so exhilarating, especially moving from the lifeless winter to the new life of spring....

The Day That Changed the World
Why Celebrate Easter? This past Sunday, we celebrated the most monumental event in the history of the world - the resurrection of Jesus...

The Betrayals of Jesus: Contrasting Judas and Peter
During His last supper before His crucifixion, Jesus boldly predicted that one of His disciples would betray Him (Matthew 26:21). Even...

Jesus Turns Passover Inside Out
Jesus came to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration and in the process gave this vital Jewish tradition a fresh, new meaning that would...

Get Ready and Stay Ready!
A lot of people have interest in the end times. When will Jesus come again? And what are the signs that He may be coming soon? On...