Work the Plan!
You’ve probably heard this famous quote from Ben Franklin, paraphrased slightly: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” No doubt,...

Accomplishing a Great Task
Do you have any great tasks to accomplish in life? All of us have great tasks before us; whether it’s the great task of parenting or...

Resolute: Pray First
Have you ever felt deep compassion for something or someone? How about such deep concern that you felt compelled to act, to actually do...

Fake or the Real Deal? (Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus)
When I was a teenager, there was one jacket that everyone had to have, including me!… a Members Only jacket. It was the “in” jacket for...

Making Right Choices
Have you watched a movie on TV lately? If you’re like Lori and me, it’s hard to cobble together a couple of hours to watch one, and when...

Asking, Seeking, Knocking
Do you have a hard time asking God for anything? Some people do for different reasons; maybe they don’t want to bother God, or think...

When Someone Has Fallen (Restoring Others)
Have you ever tripped and fallen in public? That can be really embarrassing! If you see someone else fall, what’s your first instinct? ...

Overcoming Worry and Anxiety
Are you wrestling with worry and anxiety these days? No doubt there’s plenty to worry about in this world; yet, in His Sermon on the...

Making Wise Investments
Where are you investing in these days? Investors are always looking for a “sure thing.” We want to make wise investments with...

What Jesus Taught About How to Pray
How often do you pray? I read something recently that I found surprising and alarming in PewResearch. 54% of Christians between the...