Devastating oppression, miraculous escape, brooding, complaining, whining, and crying, epic drama... I'm not describing your teenage...

Listen to, learn from, live it
Without Jesus, your family is in trouble. That's a pretty bold statement! Why would this be true? Faith in Jesus is foundational for a...

What will God be like in heaven?
Melissa's Question: When we get to heaven will God be 3 separate entities, the Father, Son, and Spirit or will He be one? Pastor Joel: ...

Communication is Key to Healthy Relationships
Vibrant communication is a key element in all healthy relationships. It is true in our relationships with God and it is absolutely true...

Appreciation Brings Peace to our Homes
We all need to feel valued by others in our lives. Our family members in particular need this. The problem we have, though, is that we...

Reclaiming Your Family
What is the most important thing to you in this world? Think about that... Would you say your family? If you're a Believer, your...

What Distinguishes Christianity?
Of course, there is a multiplicity of answers to this question, whether it be doctrinal facts or just vague concepts. However, the key ideal

We need community!
“Entropy” is a term we don’t use very often in daily conversation, but we know what it is when we see it. Here is a quick science...

A man was raised from the dead...
and we celebrate with bunnies and candy. How crazy is that?! Even crazier, that same power - the power of God - is a part of every...

What would your life look like if...
Easter Sunday is behind us for another year, so will you leave it behind or move forward, changed by "the promise?" Jesus gave his life...