The power of prayer
What can we do when our families seem to be fragmented, divided, splintering? Have you ever been there? Maybe you and your family are...

Who are you?
Who are you? How do you define or “identify” yourself? We might find our identity in lots of ways… physically, vocationally,...

I AM the bread of life
Who is Jesus? John’s gospel captures seven definitive proclamations Jesus makes, telling us exactly who He is in a series of I Am...

I AM the Truth, the Way & the Life
Who is Jesus? One of the clearest, most definitive statements Jesus makes to answer this question is captured in John’s gospel, 6 …“I...

A trusting heart
Trust matters in relationships! In fact, I could argue that “trust” is the most vital characteristic for any healthy relationship. What...

What love looks like
Who is Watermark Church? What are we all about? What are we trying to do? These are important questions that we are exploring during...

Courage to try again
Comeback stories are inspiring, aren’t they? Some remarkably successful people failed miserably before they succeeded… Walt Disney was...

Courage to stand up
What are you passionate about? What do you love? Most of us would say a sweetheart, a spouse, family, friends. Some may say they are...

Courage to speak up
Have you ever considered, “Why am I going through this in my life? Why did I walk through that or go down that road? Is God really...

Courage to step up
What is your favorite Rocky movie? The original Rocky is a classic, winning an Academy Award for Best Picture; but that first movie...