Remarkably Flawed
Of all of the faith heroes we have been learning about in this series, Samson is the one who looked like a superhero. He had long,...

A True Friend
What are the attributes of a true friend? When you think about your very best friends in life, what stands out about them? Loyalty,...

How God Sees You
This week, lots of folks are enjoying summer vacation for the week of the 4th. Hopefully you enjoyed some fun, food and spectacular...

Choices matter
Most people love a good spy story; whether it’s James Bond or Jason Bourne or Mission Impossible, those stories are always intriguing and...

God is always near (no matter what)
Have you ever gone through a difficult season in life and found yourself thinking, or maybe even screaming, “What is up with this!? Why...

Ups & downs
When I was a kid, I loved riding roller coasters. I remember once, on a slow day at Carowinds, riding the old wooden coaster “Thunder...

Go, Trust, Sacrifice
This past Sunday, we launched a blockbuster summer series, Heroes - Life Lessons from Faith Champions. The truth is, none of the folks we...

Not "The Great Suggestion"
Before Jesus left this earth, He gave marching orders to His disciples. It was a simple, clear directive to “make disciples.” (Matthew...

Praying is something everyone seems to believe in when they’re desperate.. But is asking God for something all that matters with prayer?...

Scripture is God's Words to Us
Have you ever thought about what it means to be a “real” disciple of Jesus? Jesus gives us some insight…. 31 To the Jews who had...