Experiencing Joy Even In Suffering
Trials and suffering are a part of life, but I don’t have to tell you that; you know it because I’m sure you’ve experienced your share of...

Peace for the New Year!
Maybe 2024 was filled with some gloom and doom for you. Maybe you experienced distress in the past year. Be encouraged...

Christmas Chronicles, Mary
Have you ever faced what you perceived as an impossible task? Mary found herself in a situation that likely seemed impossible for her.

Joseph (Christmas Chronicles)
Have you ever thought about the conundrum Joseph found himself in when he got the news that Mary was pregnant? You could put his pic...

Ending the Wars (Conflict)
James opens chapter 4 of his letter with a great question! What causes fights and quarrels among you? James 4:1 How would you answer...

Taming the Tongue
There are very few things in life that are more difficult to control than our tongues! James tells us that “7 All kinds of animals,...

Battling Temptation
The book of James is a remarkable blueprint for building a beautiful, Christ-honoring life in every way. Last week, we learned how to...

Triumphing through Trials
We will face trouble and trials in this world. Jesus didn’t pull any punches about that when in said, 33 “…In this world you will have...

Persevering Through Prayer
Has there been a time in your life when you’ve just wanted to throw in the towel, throw up your hands and give up? We’ve all been there...

Being Rich Toward God (Cure for Greed)
Our guest speaker this past Sunday, Watermark’s own Stephen Carlson, posed an important question for us to consider: Am I rich toward God...