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The choice is yours

Is there anything in life you could not do without? Most of us would say, "I definitely need the basics... food, water, shelter." I'm thinking about and praying for our friends in Texas who are struggling these days with those basic necessities. I hope you are praying for them. Thank God for the ministries that are being mobilized right now to help care for the needs of those devastated by flooding. Watermark is considering how we might assist.

Truth is, there are some things in life we simply can't do without... Basic necessities are clearly needed for our physical well-being; we just can't do without them. Not only do we have physical needs, but we also have a very real spiritual need as well... the presence of the LORD in our lives. In our Exodus series last Sunday, we saw Moses pleading with an angry God, hurt by His people who had turned to idol worship. Moses pleaded for God's presence in their journey. God had threatened to not go forward with them. But Moses didn't want to take a step without God's presence. (15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.

Exodus 33:15)

I am wondering if we realize how vital God's presence is in every aspect of our lives? Is there any area of your life right now, where you have erected a "No Trespassing" sign for the LORD... dating, school, marriage, parenting, friendships, career, finances? The great news for Christ-Followers is that He very much wants to be present in every aspect of your life. He wants to stir in you, transform you, produce fruit in you through His Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38; Galatians 5:22-25). Are you calling for and allowing Him to be present in your life and to transform you? You need the His presence. You really can't do life without Him. For much more about Exodus, watch and listen online.


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