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Pursuing the Wisdom

What do you know about wisdom? You, like me, know you need it! Wisdom is vital for peace, success and joy in life. In the opening verses of his powerful and practical letter, James encouraged us to ask God for wisdom, to want it, to seek it, and to pursue it!  (James 1:5)

Praying for wisdom is something we can and should do on a daily basis! We need true, Godly wisdom in so many areas of life… in parenting, in leading, in managing, in relating, in counseling, in discerning. In James 3:13-18, James makes three clear distinctions between the true wisdom of God and the false wisdom of man.  Understanding these distinctions, as well as pursuing, embracing and following Godly wisdom, will lead you to experience a blessed life! 

1)False wisdom comes from below, while true wisdom comes from above. (James 3:15, 17a)

Not only does James make clear the different origins of true and false wisdom, but he makes clear that false wisdom is earthly or worldly, unspiritual or natural, and demonic or devilish. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God. (1 Cor. 1:20c) There is a wisdom that originates naturally in man apart from the Spirit of God. And we know that the devil has been at work since the beginning of time trying to confound and confuse people. 

The great news is that we experience true, Godly wisdom in three ways in our lives. Godly wisdom comes in and through our relationship with Jesus Christ. (Col. 2:2b-3) The first, essential step toward Godly wisdom is to surrender your life to Christ as Savior and Lord. If you have not yet taken that faith step, do it today! Also, Godly wisdom comes through the Word of God (Deut. 4:5-6) and through believing prayer! (James 1:5).

Pursuing the wisdom of man will leave you empty and troubled; but pursuing, embracing and following the wisdom of God will take you down the right paths in life!

2) The wisdom of man operates opposite the wisdom of God. (James 3:13-14;17)

The reason that false wisdom and true wisdom operate opposite from one another is because they emanate from completely different sources. As a result, they manifest, or evidence themselves in completely different ways, which James outlines in detail.

Where there is false wisdom, these four negative, divisive characteristics will be evident… bitter envy, selfish ambition, boasting, and lying (James 3:14). Watch out for them in your relationships, workplace, team, family and church.

It’s interesting that the picture James paints for us in the original language of his letter is of politics, which we will all get our fill of over the next few months. While, as Americans, we appreciate the democratic process, we can’t deny the division it can create in society. James makes clear that “playing politics” can and will ruin relationships and organizations, especially a church. Be careful. Where the political game is played, James makes clear these negative, worldly characteristics will be evident.  

After making clear the four negative evidences of the false wisdom of man, James paints a glorious picture of the eight evidences of the true wisdom of God. 13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom…. 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  James 3:13; 17

These are the characteristic we want evident in our lives as Christ-followers! (I spent time explaining each of these characteristics in the sermon; if you missed it, be sure to listen for deeper insight).

3) Worldly wisdom produces worldly results, but Godly wisdom produces Godly results! (James 3:16;18)

Where worldly wisdom exists there will be trouble and chaos! It seems clear that James was writing to a church that was struggling with fighting and backbiting. Obviously there was a lot of worldly wisdom there. One reason the world is such a hot mess is because man insists on applying worldly wisdom to the world’s problems, not Godly wisdom! 

The “disorder” James references in this passage means “confusion.” There is a lot of confusion in our world and in our country today. What you see is the result of worldly wisdom at work. It is not from above; it is from below! Confusion sets the stage for every evil practice; but I don’t have to tell you that because you witness it every day.

What can we as Believers do? We can make an impression and leave a mark for Jesus Christ, not by following the wisdom of this world, but by following the wisdom of God! We can fully follow Jesus, the Word of God and pursue and reflect His wisdom in everything we say and do! 

James ends this passage with a vital truth: we reap what we sow. And when we sow Godly wisdom, we will be blessed. My life and yours is a life of sowing and reaping. Believers who embraces the wisdom of God sow righteousness, not sin; we sow peace, not conflict. With Godly wisdom comes not confusion and chaos, but blessing!

For much more, click here to listen to: Blueprints - Part 8 - Pursuing True Wisdom


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