Peace for the New Year!
Happy New Year! The start of a new year can yield such hope, optimism and zeal as we look forward to a fresh start, a new beginning, a do-over! What are you hoping for in the new year ahead?
On Sunday, Dan Roseman, our guest speaker, shared an inspiring message focused on the promised Messiah and the peace He would bring to many desperate for it! I love the opening verse of Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 9… “Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress…. Isaiah 9:1. Have you felt any gloom or distress in the past year?!
When Isaiah said that, God’s people were living under the rule of a horrible king, Ahaz. To describe them as “gloomy” might have been an understatement! But God, through Isaiah, promised there would be a time when the gloom and darkness would be gone, replaced with great light and joy provided by the Prince of Peace! (Is. 9:2-3; 6) Last week we celebrated the birth of that One who would bring the peace we long for, Jesus Christ! If you know Him as Savior and Lord, then you have that peace!
I love this encouragement Jesus offered his disciples and us: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Maybe 2024 was filled with some gloom and doom for you. Maybe you experienced a little or a lot of distress in the past year. Be encouraged! Let the peace of Christ fuel you and propel you in the new year ahead. Live with the assurance, confidence and salvation that comes in Him! And let His light shine in your life as you strive to be a peacemaker and an agent of restoration for all those around you in the year ahead! (Matt. 5:9)
For much more from Dan’s message, click here!