How to Make Your Life Count
What would it look like to make your one and only life matter, to make it count? If you asked 10 people that question, you would get 10 different answers. In Acts 20, the Apostle Paul paints a vivid picture of how to make our lives count for Christ’s sake!
24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20:24
Paul made his life about one aim, one finish line, one task… the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. What is your only aim in life? Maybe you haven’t thought much about that… maybe you’ve just stumbled into an aim or task and you’re wondering if you should be more intentional… maybe your aim these days is off target and you want to get it back on the bullseye!
No doubt the Apostle Paul made his life count for Christ’s sake… and we can too! In Acts 20, we learn 4 Ways to Make Your Life Count…
1)Share your faith with urgency and intentionality. (Acts 20:7-12)
2) Focus on the task of testifying about God’s grace! (Acts 20:17-24)
3) Don’t shrink from sharing the truth! (Acts 20:26-27)
4) Embrace giving over receiving! (Acts 20:32-35)
For much more, click here to listen to: Multiply - Part 17: Making My Life Count!