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Christmas Chronicles, Mary 

This past Sunday, in our Christmas Chronicles series, we took a close look at the visit Mary had with the angel Gabriel, captured in Luke’s gospel (Luke 1:26-38). Mary found herself in a situation that likely seemed impossible for her. No doubt she was confused by the amazing news the angel shared with her.

Have you ever faced what you perceived as an impossible task? What if the Lord called you, or challenged you, or commanded you to something that didn’t make sense to you? What would you do?  What should you do? Would you trust Him? Would you surrender to His will, to His plan, to His command? Or would you be filled with doubt?  

One thing we know about Mary is that she was really young. Most scholars agree she was in her early teens, which was a common marriageable age in that time and culture. But while Mary was young, she wasn’t too young to know how babies were made! So, when Gabriel told her she was going to have a baby, Mary, understandably, had some questions! Primarily, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34)

The angel of the Lord went on to explain to Mary that her baby would be conceived in a supernatural way by the work of the Holy Spirit, not in the natural way she would have known. (Luke 1:35). It’s interesting to me, and I think very important, that Mary didn’t question whether God could do it; she just didn’t know how He would do it. There is a big difference, isn’t there?  

The truth is, maybe the Lord has called you, or challenged you, or commanded you to do something that doesn’t make sense to you. Maybe it appears to be an “impossible task” in your mind. But to be clear, if it is His will or His promise, it can be done! There is nothing that is impossible for our God.

In fact, the angel reassured Mary with this declaration: 37 “For no word from God will ever fail.”  Luke 1:37. Let that one sink in.  Some translations read, “With God, nothing is impossible.”  How encouraging is that, not only for Mary, but for you? We see this same message again and again in God’s Word. (Reference: Gen. 18:14; Jer. 32:17; Job 42:2; Ps. 33:9; Matt. 19:26)

You can know and believe that nothing is impossible for our God. He can do the impossible in your life! He can redeem your tattered past; restore your broken heart; rekindle your shattered dreams! By His Word, and His will, all things are possible. Impossible is nothing for our great and glorious God!  

Maybe you need to know that today because you have what seems like an impossible task before you. Will you trust God to do what only God can do? Will you surrender to His will, to His leadership, to His plan, knowing and believing that there is nothing He can’t do?

That’s exactly what Mary did. 38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38. Mary fully trusted God even when she didn’t fully understand His plan. Will you do the same, especially in the new year ahead?  

I wonder if there is any area of your life where you have been unwilling to fully surrender to Him, to His leadership, to His will?  Maybe it has to do with an area of serving, or giving, or living.

What might hold you back? It’s usually one powerfully debilitating word… Doubt.  Disobedient people doubt God, while fully obedient believers trust God! Mary might have had questions, but she never doubted God. Mary might have been confused, but she never questioned whether God could do what God said He would do.  She may have not been sure how, but she believed it would happen, as the Lord said. How about you?  Will you serve, give, live in the way God has called you, convicted you, commanded you?

For much more from this text and Mary’s story, click here to watch the service and the full message. And share it with someone too!


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