Mary, Mother of Jesus

At Watermark, during the Christmas season, we are taking a closer look at the major players in the nativity scene. So what do you really know about Mary? What can we learn from her? Part of her amazing story is captured for us in Luke 1:26-56.
Mary was favored by God. But not just favored; she was highly favored. (1:28) And the great news is, you are too! “Highly favored”, in the original language means “much grace.” Mary, like you and me, was in need of much grace. She was an ordinary human being with sinful flaws, just like us. Grace is “unmerited favor.” We can’t earn it and we don’t deserve it, but we all need it; and thankfully, God provided us much grace through our Savior Jesus Christ.
Mary taught us that God can use an ordinary person in an extraordinary way to accomplish His will. Mary probably didn’t think she had much to offer God, but she did. When the angel told Mary what God was going to do, her response showed remarkable maturity and trust. She obeyed God with radical abandon. 38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38.
Mary’s obedience carried great risks to her. If her fiancé refused to marry her, she would never be married. If her father abandoned her, she would be forced to prostitute herself, beg or starve. Yet still, she was ready and willing to follow His will!
Are you radically abandoned to God’s leadership in your life? What would that look like for you?
Make yourself available to His leadership in your life!
Mary was available! She called herself the Lord’s “servant!” She was ready to serve him… no matter the costs or risks to her. Are you available?
Get ready to be used by God.
Mary was ready to serve! When the Lord called, she said “may your word to me be fulfilled!” She didn’t think about it, take a step back, negotiate or walk away… she was ready! Are you ready?
Respond enthusiastically to His will for you!
Mary was enthusiastic about the chance to serve God! She didn’t walk into this grudgingly or reluctantly! She responded enthusiastically! Will you?
What is God asking of you right now? For far more, listen to The Nativity - Part 1 - Mary.