
Devastating oppression, miraculous escape, brooding, complaining, whining, and crying, epic drama... I'm not describing your teenage years; I'm talking about the story of the departure of God's people from captivity in Egypt toward their promised land. It is all captured for us in the book of Exodus.
Last Sunday we launched our summer series, Exodus, taking a look at the first two chapters. As we walk through this book throughout this series, we are going to unpack some amazing truths that God has for us. Truths that will encourage and challenge us. In Part 1, A Leader Emerges, we learned that:
God is always at work in your life, even when you face adversity. Exodus 1:8-9
The fear of God should be much greater than any cultural pressure you face. Exodus 1:10,16-17
God blesses those who fear Him. Exodus 1:20-21
Trusting God may involve taking a risk! Exodus 2:1-3
God has a purpose for you, despite your flaws and failures! Exodus 2:11-12
God hears your cries for help and is deeply concerned for you! Exodus 2:23-25
All that, just in these first two chapters! For much more on these truths, as well as a brief summary of this book, including the foreshadowing pointing to Jesus Christ, listen to the message online.