What would your life look like if...

Easter Sunday is behind us for another year, so will you leave it behind or move forward, changed by "the promise?" Jesus gave his life on Calvary, was buried but rose again, just as He said He would.
Because of that promise fulfilled, what would your life look like if:
- You began each day believing you have a fresh start because of the sacrifice Jesus made for you? - You allowed Jesus to come alongside you to manage the challenges each day brings? - You looked hopefully toward the future knowing that, while this world has much to offer, it is ultimately not your home? Easter changes us. As my fellow Pastor Rick Warren reminds us, because Jesus rose from the dead, my past is forgiven, my present problems can be managed, and my future secured. Have you invited Jesus to be your Savior and Lord? For much more, listen to our Easter sermon online, "The Promise." Sunday we will conclude our series The Easter Chronicles, with "The Power." I hope you will join us. We had a huge crowd last Sunday for Easter worship and God was at work in the lives of many who attended. I know because they told me so. Is he at work in your life?