Secret Sisters
Encourage a Watermark Sister!
Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
The “Secret Sister” program (compare it to Secret Santa) provides an opportunity to pray for, bless, and encourage one of your Watermark Sisters - secretly!
From February thru December (any time during EACH month that suits you), you will bless your Secret Sister with a prayer and/or encouragement in a card or small gift of some sort. That means each sister receives a special encouragement sometime during each month! One of the best parts is there is no guessing involved! Each sister fills out an information form (link below), which provides a little bit about herself and her prayer needs.
Gifts do not need to be expensive, and can be as simple as a thoughtful card, letter, or token of encouragement to let her know you’re thinking of her, praying for her, and reminding her that YOU, and God love her.
Do you have a heart to get to know other Watermark women in a fun way? Do you have a little time each month to encourage and pray for a sister? Sign up for Secret Sisters!
Please complete your info form below. You will be matched with a sister and recieve her info form, along with program guidelines, in the mail.
Questions? Contact Cindy Spicer at!