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ReNew is a Bible-based counseling program designed to offer support and hope for the hurts, habits, and hang-ups of life. No fees, pressure, or registration required. Confidential.


Hope and healing, these are two things we seek as we go through the hurts this life throws our way. Sometimes we can find these things on our own; other times we need help. There is help available!


The challenge is the asking for help. Often,we don’t want anyone to see the hurt we carry, so we paint a smile on our face and act like we do not have a care in the world. 


But, if the truth be told, we have moments that overwhelm us, maybe even times that last way too long or just never seem to subside. So, we curl up in our own little world not letting anyone know what we are going through because we think "no one is going through what I am going through." We hide behind the smiles and just hope no one notices the pain we have.


Renew Ministry is:


  • Free – There is no cost for this service. The only cost is your time and willingness to reach out.

  • Confidential – Anything that is discussed in the meetings/calls are 100% confidential. You will never have to worry about “your hurt” being mentioned to anyone. 

  • Bible Based – the Bible is the basis of providing the hope and healing you are seeking.

  • Non-Judgmental – you will never be judged.


Currently offered through the Renew Ministry:


  • One-on-One Meetings – Typically face-to-face meetings are at Watermark in an area of the church with video cameras for safety.

  • Accountability Partner - To help keep you on the road to healing.

  • Proven Men Program - Offered to help those who struggle with addiction to pornography. This is a 12-week program that deals with the things that drive people to pornography and the steps to break the addition. This is a daily program that has helped many people in their addiction. It is also beneficial for anyone who struggles with drugs, alcohol, over-eating, anger or other addictions.

  • ReNew Life Group - a class that begins with two books written by Jimmy Evans, When Life Hurts and 21 Day Inner Healing Journey. These are amazing books that help peel back the layers to pain you carry inside. 

  • ReNew Shepherds - peer support partners that walk through your journey with you.  Click here for more about Watermark's ReNew Shepherds.


Learn more about this ministry by clicking here to email Mark Cole, the ministry director.

ReNew helps you deal with life's struggles while you pursue spiritual growth and healing.

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